


Overweight and obesity have now become a serious global problem because so far the problem of overweight and obesity is only considered a problem that only exists in high-income countries, but currently overweight and obesity also occur in low-income countries and medium, especially in urban areas. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that can interfere with health. Part of the world’s population lives in countries where being overweight and obese kills more people than being underweight. Obesity is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders, cancer and others which have implications for decreased productivity and life expectancy. . Adolescents are the age of transition from childhood to adulthood and at this time feel themselves healthy even though they actually experience nutritional problems such as overweight and obesity. The lifestyle of today’s teenagers who often skip breakfast and prefer to consume fast food and tend to have a sedentary life style will put them at risk for obesity. obesity. In adolescence, 70% of people who are overweight will grow up to be overweight adults, and this will increase to 80% if one or both parents are overweight or obese. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents aged 5-19 years has increased dramatically from only 4% in 1975 to more than 18% in 2016. the prevalence of central obesity at the age of 15 years is 18.8% (2007), 26.6% (2013), and 31.0% (2018).4 In Indonesia, the prevalence of nutritional status in adolescents aged 16-18 years 2018 overweight, namely 9.5% with the highest provinces in Papua (13.5%), East Kalimantan (12.9%), and DKI Jakarta (12.8%). While the prevalence of nutritional status in adolescents aged 16-18 years 2018 who are obese

Activity Purpose

This International Webinar aims to:

  1. Understanding the Pathophysiology of Obesity
  2. Understanding the concept of nursing care in patients with disease disorders due to obesity
  3. Understanding the Handling of Pregnancy and Childbirth with Obesity
  4. Understanding Obesity Nutrition Management
  5. Studying Nursing Care for Obese Patients


Webinar participants are:

  1. Lecturer
  2. Student
  3. Practitioner


The organizer of this activity is STIKES AND AKZI Karya Husada Kediri


Pelindung / Penasehat Yayasan Karya Husada Kediri
Penanggung JawabKetua STIKES Karya Husada Kediri
(Ita Eko Suparni, SSiT.,M.Keb)
Ketua Pembantu Ketua III STIKES Karya Husada Kediri
(Dwi Setyorini, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Biomed.)
Sekretaris Ahmat Ariyanto, ST 
BendaharaEfa Nur Aini, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kep.
Seksi – Seksi 
Acara 1.     Farida Hayati, S.Kp., M.Kep.
2.     Didit Damayanti, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kep.
3.     Enur Nurhayati M, SST.,M.Kes
4.     Linda Andri Mustofa, SSiT.,M.Keb.
Ilmiah1.     Enggar Anggraeni, SST.,M.Gizi
2.     Mirthasari Palupi, SST.,M.Kes
3.     Wahyu Wijayati, SiT.,M.Keb.
4.     Nove Lestari, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kes 
Humas dan Dek Dok1.     Tintin Hariyani, SSiT.,M.Kes
2.     Frenky Arif Budiman, S.Gz.,M.Gizi
IT dan Publikasi 1.     Lilik Setiawan, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kep
2.     M. Taukhid, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kep.
Conference1.     Eka Sri Purwandari, SST.,MPH
2.     Siti Asiyah, SSiT.,M.Kes
3.     Linda Ishariani, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kep
4.     Anis Setyowati, SST.,M.Keb
5.     Dodik Arso Wibowo, S.Kep.Ns.,M.Kes
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